How do I upload HTML5 creative to Terminus?
HTML5 tags allow users to create interactive and animated creative messaging, with roughly double the engagement of a static file. As of November 2020, Terminus Ad Experiences customers can now upload and manage HTML5 ads directly in the Ad Experiences interface, when launching a new tactic.
To ensure that your HTML5 creatives are accepted by our system upon upload, and for further details on how to upload, please reference the instructions in this article:
I just did my first upload of HTML5 ads. It took me about an hour to figure out how to prep the files (9 creatives) and do the uploads, but once I got the swing of things, it was really simple. I used Creatopy to make the ads, exported them in one click, then used Sublime Text to prep the HTML files in each package for uploading. The Terminus documentation linked in the OP is up to date, and I was a able to paste the code straight in at the right spot, and make one edit to get the right DIV ID, as directed. I wasn't sure if it took (no thumbnail), until I found a way to click into an ad preview for each creative, once they're in Ad Experiences.
If the early clickthrough rates hold up, I'll be doing all of our ads in HTML5 for sure!
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So glad to hear this Steve Rueckhaus! HTML5 definitely takes some more up front work, but they've absolutely proven to be worth the effort in terms of the engagement we've seen in our own ad campaigns.
Keep us posted on your results!
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