NOTE: This functionality is limited to our legacy display advertising product (tactics/campaigns launched pre-spring 2023). To change creative in a running Display Campaign, see this article.
You can change creative inside of tactics at any time during the campaign. For more information on how to Launch a Display Tactic, please see this article.
Changing Creative Inside of a Running Display Tactic
Step 1: Click into tactic that needs to be updated from the Campaign Overview page.
Step 2: Click on the yellow button on the top right of the page to expand the Tactic Settings
Step 3: In the Tactic Settings, click "Edit" on the top right and then "Pause Tactic" on the bottom right.
Step 4: Click on the "Creative Performance" tab and then click the "Edit All Creative" button.
Step 5: Add the new creatives.
Step 6: Once the new creatives have been added, save the tactic.
Step 7: Remove any old creatives.
Step 8: You may now resume the tactic.
If you have any questions about a Terminus campaign, please reach out to your Terminus CSM or please submit a support request via the Terminus Help Center.
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