You will need to have access to the Terminus Chat feature in order to use this guide. If you do not have access to Terminus Chat, please reach out to your CSM to discuss your packaging. The Chatbot calendar integration works with iCalendar, Outlook, Gmail and through a Calendly integration.
Guide Outline
Calendar Event Setup (Admins and Reps)
Using a Chatbot for meeting scheduling
Offering Meeting Options in a Conversation (Reps)
Feature Details
The Terminus Chat Bot Scheduler allows you to:
- Automatically Book Meetings within Bot to drive qualified leads.
- Provide a flawless sales experience by instantly setting up meetings with your Sales Reps.
- Integrate directly with Calendly or our Native API
By integrating your calendars directly or through Calendly you can have your website visitors schedule time directly on your rep’s calendars, creating more meetings and providing a fantastic customer experience.
The Terminus Chat Scheduler can create calendar entries for both team calendars as well as each rep’s personal calendars.
Getting Started
To get started setting up your Chat Scheduler, make sure your reps have attached their personal calendars to their Chat Accounts and created Calendar Events. Once they have set up access to their calendars, Chat administrators can use ChatBots and team calendars to generate meetings for their reps.
Finally, reps can also offer on-demand meeting scheduling during live conversations.
Rep Calendar Set Up
Individual users are able to connect their calendars and set up custom events for themselves.
1. Navigate to your profile by clicking on your avatar and selecting user settings.
2. Under Connected Calendar Mailboxes select the + button.
3. Select the appropriate calendar service.
4. Select the user calendar you will be scheduling events for.
5. Allow Terminus Chat to have access to your calendar.
6. The calendar is now listed in the connected calendar list. Note: If you have more than one calendar, you will need to select a default calendar.
7. Now create a calendar event to begin scheduling events by selecting the + sign.
8. Fill out the following details:
- Title your Event Type and optionally add a description that will show in the body of the meeting.
- Event Location: When creating calendar invites for an individual, you have the option to include their direct connection method or meeting location. This could include web conference links, phone numbers, or a physical location. It will appear for individuals invited to the meeting in the event location field.
- Calendar: If you have multiple calendars on your account, select which calendar you want the events to appear on.
- You will also define the length of time the meeting event will last, and the hour part you would like the events to start on.
- Event Availability: Define the specific availability the events can be scheduled for.
- Show Availability Until: Designate how many days in the future you are willing to accept meetings.
- No Earlier Than: Allows you to put a buffer in minutes between the time the meeting is being scheduled and when the next available slot might be.
Team Calendar Setup (Admins Only)
1. Navigate to the Calendars page by selecting “Administration” from your user menu.
2. Once you are on the Calendar page, select “Add new Calendar.”
3. Select the calendar provider you currently have.
4. Select the user calendar you will be scheduling events for.
5. Allow access to the calendar.
6. You will now see the calendar attached to Terminus Chat.
Creating Calendar Events (Teams and Individuals)
Calendar events allow you to create the event on the calendar of reps who have their calendars integrated with Terminus Chat. Note: To set up an event on the rep’s calendar they must first have connected their calendar and provided Terminus Chat access (see instructions above).
1. From the admin menu, select Calendars and add a calendar event.
2. First add the users who should be included on the calendar event being created. Select the users from the available calendars. Individuals who are “grey” cannot be selected because they have not yet set up their calendar connection.
3. Select how the event will be created on their calendar. This can be done through either our Native Scheduler or through Calendly if you are a user.
Native Terminus Calendar Integration:
a. Title your Event Type and optionally add a description that will show in the body of the meeting.
b. Event Location: When creating calendar invites for an individual, you have the option to include their direct connection method or meeting location. This could include web conference links, phone numbers, or a physical location.
c. Calendar: You also have the option to specify a calendar for the event type being created. Use this if the event type you are creating is specific to a department or individual.
d. Define the length of time the meeting event will last for and the hour part you would like the events to start on.
e. Member Distribution: If you have a team calendar, you can choose to add the meeting to all of the available team members and it will block their calendar for that time, alternatively you can send the meeting to the team member with the most availability on their calendar.
f. Event Availability: Define the specific availability the events can be scheduled for.
g. Show Availability Until: Designate how many days in the future you are willing to accept meetings.
h. No Earlier Than: Allows you to put a buffer in minutes between the time the meeting is being scheduled and when the next available slot might be.
Calendly Users
a. For Calendly users, you will select “Calendly.”
b. You will then be able to title the event and add your unique Calendly Link.
Using the Chatbot Scheduler (Legacy Chatbots)
Note: Legacy Bot Users vs. Playbook Bot Users
It is advised that you use the new Playbooks feature for bot creation. The section below applies to customers using the legacy bot functionality.
Terminus Chat allows you to use a Chatbot Response to offer an option to schedule a meeting to your visitors via bot.
1. In your desired ChatBot play response, select the more arrow.
2. Under Data Ask(s)/Data Elements, select Set Value and select the meeting event you would like to present to the user.
Using the Chatbot Scheduler (Playbooks)
1. You can use a Data Ask Play to allow a bot to collect a meeting time. In your Data Ask Message, select "Schedule Meeting" and the calendar you would like to check for availability. Remember you can use a logic play if you want to have multiple reps you would like to create scheduling bots for. For more information on Terminus Playbooks, including logic plays, Data Ask plays and Chatbot creation, please see this article.
Once you have created the bot, this is what it will look like for your visitors:
Using a Calendar Event request in a conversation
In addition to using the Chat schedule in Chatbots, reps can also invite visitors they are connected with to a Chat during the course of their conversation.
1. Once the rep has joined a Chat, they are able to select the schedule button in the chat experience:
2. The rep can select to include calendar events for both team calendars they are a part of and their own personal calendar events.
Account-Based Scheduling
When you toggle on Account-Based scheduling for a calendar event, Terminus Chat will present the calendar of the owner of the account that your chat visitor belongs to.
The following conditions must be met for this feature to apply during a chat conversation:
- The account of the chat visitor must be known.
- ABM Routing must be toggled on for at least one applicable integration (i.e. Salesforce, Salesloft, etc).
- The account owner must be a Terminus Chat user.
- The account owner must have their calendar connected to Terminus Chat.
If these conditions are met, when the calendar event is presented, the visitor will only be able to see available times for the account owner. If there are multiple account owners (i.e. Salesforce and Salesloft have different owners), the chat visitor will be able to see availability for both.
When you toggle on Account-Based scheduling, you also have the ability to select the names of team members for the calendar event. If one of the four Account-Based scheduling conditions above is not met, Terminus Chat will present the calendars of these selected team members. It is a requirement to have at least one team member checked as a fallback for Account-Based scheduling.
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