Email Experiences captures various campaign analytics, enabling you to effectively monitor your campaigns' performance and engagement. To access these analytics, you must have Terminus Email Experiences as part of your subscription and be an Admin within Email Experiences.
Campaign Index
Upon logging into Email Experiences and navigating to the Campaigns section, you'll find a campaign rollup report that displays created/start/end dates, along with overall/unique views, clicks, and click-through rates for each of your email signature campaigns.
By default, you'll see All Campaigns with metrics over the last 30 days, but additional filtering options include:
- Date Cohorts: Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 90 Days, Custom Date Ranges, or All Time*
- Campaign Type: Sender, Targeted, Internal, AB Test, Alternate, Shuffle, or Default
- Campaign Status: All Campaigns, Upcoming (i.e., scheduled), Active, Inactive, or Drafts
- Folder: Filter by the folder name in which the campaign has been added
- Search Bar: Directly search the table by campaign name
When a date cohort is applied, the displayed metrics represent the campaign during that period. If no activity has occurred for the campaign during that time, it will appear in the table without metrics.
You can download a CSV report by clicking the download icon located to the right of the table. The downloaded CSV will contain data based on the filtering selections applied in the UI.
Note: Aggregate campaign reports are no longer exported through the dropdown on the Campaign Index page. Reports can now be downloaded directly from the UI, eliminating our previous method of sending an email link to access the report.
- The Analyze page has been deprecated. Campaign summary and performance metrics can be accessed via the Campaign Index page.
- The Engagement Report export has been replaced by the Campaign Engagement page.
- The Campaign Rollup export has been replaced by the Campaign Index page. The legacy rollup report included opportunity influence data for Salesforce-integrated customers. While this data is not displayed on the new Campaign Index page, it can still be found by drilling directly into the Campaign Details page and will be reintroduced as an aggregated, downloadable metric in the future.
Campaign Details
For a more detailed view of a campaigns analytics, you can view the Campaign Details page by clicking onto the campaign name from the Campaign Index page.
By default, you'll see metrics over the last 30 days but additional filtering options include Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 90 Days, Custom Date Ranges, or All Time*.
You will find the following campaign metrics:
- Analytics: You will find metrics specific to the selected campaign based on the date filtering applied. This includes unique/overall views, clicks, click rate, and the top four accounts that have recently engaged for the first time with this campaign. For shuffle and A/B tests, you will see an additional section that contains metrics for each banner.
- Opportunity Data: This data is currently available to Salesforce integrated customers. This highlights opportunities influenced by your Email Experiences campaigns.
- Campaign Performance: A line chart visualizing views, clicks, or click rates over time. This chart will update from daily to weekly snapshots depending on the date cohort selected. Anything selected under 30 days will display daily, and anything over 30 days will display weekly.
- Top Recipients: This section is located in its own tab to track which accounts or contacts are engaging on the Email Signature campaign. Click here to learn more about Recipient analytics.
Note: Campaign specific reports are no longer exported through the dropdown on the Campaign Details page. Reports can now be downloaded directly from the UI, eliminating our previous method of sending an email link to access the report.
- The Engagements by Day export has been replaced with the Campaign Engagement page on the Engagements by Date tab.
- The Engagements by Employee export has been replaced with the Campaign Engagement page filtered by Sender.
The Top Recipient export has been replaced with the Top Recipients tab.
- The Employee Statistics export has been deprecated. However, you can still access the same data by navigating to the Employees tab, selecting "Export" from the dropdown menu, and then choosing "Employee data".
Campaign Glossary
Click here to find definitions of metrics displayed on the Campaign Index and Campaign Details pages.
* Terminus stores two full calendar years of data which represents "All Time". Campaigns that have been running longer than two years will not include data beyond that timeframe.
Reporting Release Updates
EMX Reporting Infrastructure Improvements
At the end of April 2024, improvements were made to our Email Experiences reporting infrastructure! We listened to your feedback and implemented several changes to enhance the accuracy, consistency, and depth of the metrics you rely on.
Here’s what’s new:
- Unified Data Storage: All event data is now stored in a single, centralized source. This means your metrics are more consistent and reliable across different reports and tables.
- Enhanced Metrics: We’ve expanded the range of metrics we can report, providing you with deeper insights into your campaigns and user interactions.
- Event Deduplication: Only user-triggered events are counted, ensuring your metrics reflect genuine user activity and eliminating any noise from non-user interactions.
Why you might notice changes in your metrics:
- Reporting Timeframe: Our updated queries now report data up to the last 2 years, whereas previously they included all historical data. This change might lead to differences in the metrics, particularly if you were used to viewing long-term data.
- Deduplication Impact: By filtering out non-user events, the reported metrics might appear lower than before. Rest assured, this change means your data is now more accurate and reflects true user engagement.
We believe these updates will provide you with more precise and actionable insights, helping you to make better-informed decisions. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.
Q: So, you’re saying my old reporting was bad?
A: The original reporting structure was developed when non-user interactions from third-party systems were not as prevalent as they are today. As these interactions became increasingly impactful on the old reporting system over time, Terminus began revamping the reporting infrastructure.
Q: If further changes or improvements are necessary for the reporting infrastructure in the future, will these changes take as long or result in another significant change in overall metrics?
A: No, future improvements to the reporting infrastructure are designed to be more efficient and less disruptive to users. Our scalable and flexible infrastructure allows for quicker, seamless updates and enhancements. While metrics will function the same way, ongoing optimizations may improve the algorithm to better reflect the value provided by the metrics.
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