If you'd like to take your Email Experiences campaigns to the next level, consider leveraging animated GIFs. Using an animated GIF adds an element of surprise to email signature marketing that typically isn't possible with a static campaign. The human eye is naturally drawn to movement.
Beyond engagement, you can also use GIFs to explain or demonstrate a new product or service and illustrate complex concepts in an easily digestible manner.
When creating a campaign, simply upload a GIF file instead of the typical PNG file.
We recommend keeping the size of your GIF under 400 KB. Any larger, and you may run into loading delays or difficulty saving the campaign.
Important Note
Some email clients, like Outlook 2007, 2010, and 2013, only display the first frame in an animated GIF. As a result, when designing your GIF, make sure the first frame of the GIF file can stand alone and communicate a clear call-to-action.
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