To use this feature you must have Terminus Measurement Studio as part of your subscription. Additionally, some tile types may only be available to customers who have access to certain Measurement Studio reports, and/or access to the Terminus Ad Experiences product.
Article quick links:
- Getting Started with Dashboards
- How to Create & Edit Dashboard Tiles
- Dashboard Tile Types
- Example Dashboards
- FAQs
Getting Started with Dashboards
Terminus Dashboards provide a centralized view to measure performance and visualize trends across marketing programs, business units, and organizational KPIs.
A few important notes as you get started with Dashboards:
- Dashboard reports do not push back to Salesforce, so they won’t serve as a replacement for your current Salesforce dashboards. However, Terminus dashboards are designed to be complementary to cross-functional metrics contained in your SFDC dashboards.
- Dashboards surface individual metrics and reports that you and your team measure frequently. Saving Dashboard Tiles reduces the time you’ll spend pulling reports manually across the analytics suite and allows you to easily consolidate key performance indicators across multiple Terminus reports.
- Dashboards create alignment between teams. Once a single dashboard is set up, it can be duplicated and filtered to support different teams, initiatives, and business segments, all while maintaining consistency in reporting.
- Dashboards allow you to disseminate more metrics to more team members without executing an end-to-end platform training. By setting up Dashboards, you can empower more users with data and provide them with only the specific metrics they need.
- Dashboard data will update based on the last time the source data was updated. In Measurement Studio, "Last Updated" reflects the time at which your Data Cycle started to process, not how long it's been since the Data Cycle completed. This helps to indicate when the last time SFDC updates can be reflected in your Measurement Studio data.
How to Create & Edit Dashboard Tiles
Step One: Add Tile
After you’ve created a new dashboard, you can start adding key metrics through dashboard tiles. Tiles can be added directly from a dashboard itself, using the add tile button.
Tiles can also be added from the add to dashboard button located on the Data Studio, Trending Scorecard, Opportunity Insights, Marketing Influence, Campaign Analytics, Campaign Trends, Web Activities List (Digital Attribution), and Web Activities Trending (Digital Attribution) reports.
When you’re new to dashboards, it may be easiest to navigate first to one of the aforementioned platform reports, apply cohorts and Global Filters to get to your desired reporting view, and then select “Add to Dashboard.”
- For example - If you wanted to create a tile to show opportunities created this quarter that have been influenced by marketing, you would navigate to the Opportunity Insights report, select the “Created” cohort, “Quarter to Date” timeframe, and “Marketing Influence.” Once these settings are applied, you can select “Add to Dashboard” and choose the metrics available for the corresponding dashboard tile directly from the report.
- From there, you can select which specific dashboard you’d like that tile to be added to, confirm your tile settings, and preview how the tile will appear on your dashboard.
Step Two: Select Tile Type
On the first page of the tile creation process, you'll be asked to select what type of tile you want to create. See the "Dashboard Tile Types" section of this article for additional details on the available options.
Step Three: Configure Tile Settings
Based on the tile type you've selected, you'll then be asked to further configure your tile settings, including renaming the tile, and adjusting the reporting date period. See the "Dashboard Tile Types" section of this article for additional details on available tile settings.
Once your tile settings are in place, select the "Save and Add Tile" button in the bottom right corner of the window.
Applying Global Filters to a Tile
Most tile types, (with the exception of the ABM Scorecard Trending tiles) will allow you to apply Global Filters for additional configuration. To apply Global Filters to a tile, follow these steps:
- Select tile type
- Add the bottom of the "Configure Tile" step, you should see two options: "Add Global Filters" and "Add Saved Filter Set." The first option will allow you to select any combination of Filters you need. The second option will allow you to apply a saved filter set.
- Selecting "Add Global Filters" will reveal a popup of all available filters, across the five primary data objects (Accounts, Campaigns, People, Opportunities, and Terminus). Once the desired filter(s) has/have been checked, select the "Add Global Filters" button.
- NOTE: All filters across all objects, as well as all Account Lists, will be expanded in this view. Use the search bar at the top to quickly find a specific filter or account list.
- Once you've selected the filter, you'll then be prompted to select the corresponding filter values you want to apply to the tile. By default, all values will be selected; use the drop down option next to the field to select or deselect your desired values.
Editing, Duplicating, and Deleting Dashboard Tiles
Clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of the tile will allow you to view and edit Tile Settings, duplicate the tile, or delete the tile from the dashboard.
- NOTE: You will only be able to create, edit or delete tiles if you are the owner of the Dashboard. Once a tile is deleted, it can only be recovered by creating the tile again
Clicking on an individual tile will take you to the full report with the corresponding datasets and settings based on the dashboard tile:
Dashboard Tile Types
When creating a dashboard tile directly in a dashboard, you will be prompted to select from several tile types.
NOTE: Visibility of these tile types can vary, based on your Terminus subscription.
Standard Tiles
ABM Scorecard Trending: Visual tiles that allow you to track the performance of key business outcomes and segments over time. Settings and data for this tile will mirror the available settings in the ABM Scorecard Trending report. The Donut, Pareto, and Gauge visualizations will also allow users to set a "Goal" value, if desired. To learn more about this tile type, check out this article.
Top Opportunities: List-style tile that allows you to track the performance of opportunities based on a selected metric. Settings and data for this tile will mirror the available settings in the Opportunity Insights report. In addition to the report settings, Global Filters can be applied to this tile, to further customize your view. By default, list-based tiles will show the top 5 results, based on your selected metrics. However, the tile can be stretched by selecting and dragging the bottom of the tile downward.
Top Accounts: List-style tile that allows you to track the performance of accounts based on a selected metric. Settings and data for this tile will mirror the available settings in the Account Hub view of Data Studio. In addition to the report settings, Global Filters can be applied to this tile, to further customize your view. By default, list-based tiles will show the top 5 results, based on your selected metrics. However, the tile can be stretched by selecting and dragging the bottom of the tile downward.
Engagement Insights: Visual tiles that allow you to track the performance of different cohorts of accounts against Terminus advertising and website engagement metrics. Settings and data for this tile will be similar to the available settings in the Account Hub view of Data Studio. In addition to the report settings, Global Filters can be applied to this tile, to further customize your view.
Revenue Attribution Tiles
Marketing Influence: Visual tiles that allow you to track how much revenue or pipeline was influenced by marketing efforts. Settings and data for this tile will mirror the available settings in the Marketing Influence report.
Campaign Trends: Visual tiles that allow you to measure the impact of campaigns over time. Settings and data for this tile will mirror the available settings in the Campaign Trends report.
Top Campaign Types: List-style tiles that allow you to track the performance of your marketing campaigns by campaign type, based on a selected metric. Settings and data for this tile will mirror the available settings in the Campaign Analytics report. By default, list-based tiles will show the top 5 results, based on your selected metrics. However, the tile can be stretched by selecting and dragging the bottom of the tile downward.
Top Campaigns: List-style tiles that allow you to track the performance of specific marketing campaigns, based on a selected metric. Settings and data for this tile will mirror the available settings in the Campaign Analytics report. By default, list-based tiles will show the top 5 results, based on your selected metrics. However, the tile can be stretched by selecting and dragging the bottom of the tile downward.
Example Dashboards
Dashboards can be used to surface directional performance data across your various marketing programs or business segments, to help you quickly identify where to take action.
Customers that have multiple teams working out of the Terminus platform, (for example Demand Gen, Customer Marketing, and Field Marketing), can create dashboards specific to each team’s needs and key metrics.
Customers who have multiple Demand Gen teams that support different product lines or markets may want to create a master dashboard, and then segment that dashboard by each team’s corresponding data to surface the most relevant information to each team’s initiatives.
Here are a few example dashboards you can replicate in your Terminus instance to get started.
Start by creating a global or master dashboard that is shared publicly with your entire marketing team. This dashboard should contain tiles with metrics that are most important to your marketing organization as a whole.
Some tiles you may want to add to this dashboard include:
Tiles that highlight Account Influence:
- Account with Campaign Responses
- Accounts with Open Opportunities
- Active Accounts w/ No Open Opportunities
- Accounts that Need Marketing Attention
Tiles that highlight Opportunity Metrics:
- Created Opportunities with Marketing Influence this Quarter
- Open Opportunities in [X] Pipeline Stage
- New Business Opportunities Created this Quarter
- Customer/Existing Business Opportunities Created this Quarter
Tiles that highlight Accounts with Terminus Engagement:
- Top Accounts by Ad Impressions
- Top Accounts by Page Views
- Accounts with Impressions + Page Views
- Accounts with Impressions + Open Opps
- Accounts with Pages Views + Open Opps
- Accounts with Engagement Spikes + Open Opps
Tiles that highlight Campaign Performance:
- Top Campaigns/Campaign Types by Accounts Influenced
- Top Campaigns/Campaign Types by People Influenced
- Top Campaigns by Opportunities Influenced
- Top Campaigns by Pipeline Influenced
- Top Campaigns by Revenue Influenced
Tiles that highlight Marketing's Overall Influence:
- Pipeline / Revenue influenced - Any Influence Type
- Pipeline / Revenue influenced - Pre-Opportunity
- Pipeline / Revenue influenced - Post-Opportunity
- Pipeline / Revenue Influenced by Vertical/Segment
- Pipeline / Revenue Influenced by Marketing Channel (Campaign Type)
- Pipeline / Revenue Influenced by Account List
Tiles the highlight performance against business goals (Trending Scorecard):
- QTD Pipeline vs. quarterly goal
- QTD Revenue vs. quarterly goal
Again, your global or master dashboard should surface metrics that are universally important to the marketing division in your organization.
Once your global dashboard has been created, individual team members can easily duplicate the dashboard and layer on additional filters across the dashboard tiles.
For example, if you are part of the marketing team for new business acquisition in the Enterprise market, you can duplicate the global dashboard and filter your dashboard tiles for “Account Segment = Enterprise” and "Account Type = New Business."
This could also be done for new business vs. existing business (customer) accounts, or for specific product lines. Individual dashboards can then easily be shared with Sales Leaders in the same divisions or segments for more closed-loop reporting.
Customers may also look to segment their dashboard reports by different tile types: Accounts, Opportunities, Campaign, Trending, and Terminus Engagement Insights.
Some tiles you may want to create for these include:
Account-Focused Dashboard:
- Accounts that need Marketing (Campaign Responses) and Sales (Sales Activities)
- Active Accounts with Impressions / Visitors / Responses but No Open Opps
- All Accounts w/ Open Opps
- Accounts w/ Impressions / Visitors / Responses + an Open Opp
- Accounts that Need Contacts (Known People)
Campaign-Focused Dashboard:
- Top Campaigns / Types by People / Accounts Influenced
- Top Campaigns / Types by Opps Influenced
- Top Campaigns / Types by Deals Influenced
- Top Campaigns / Types by Pipeline Influenced
- Top Campaigns / Types by Revenue Influenced
Terminus Engagement-Focused Dashboard:
- Total Terminus Impressions Served vs. Opps Created (last 3-6 months)
- Total Page Views vs. Opps Created (last 3-6 months)
- Accounts w/ Engagement Spikes vs. Total Impressions Served (last 3-6 months)
- Accounts with Impressions and Clicks
- Accounts w/ Impressions vs, Total Page Views
- Accounts w/ Opps Created vs. Total Impressions
- Accounts w/ impressions w/ an impression threshold of X who also have an Engagement Spike
Opportunities-Focused Dashboard:
- Created Opps this Quarter
- Created Opps with Marketing Influence
- Open Opps in Opp Stage [X]
- Created Opps in [Segment] or by [Account Type]
- Closed Won Opps This Quarter
Trending Dashboard:
- Quarter-to-date pipeline / revenue (vs. goal)
- Deal Velocity / Win Rate over the last 90 days
- Revenue / pipeline generated across account segments (lists)
- Revenue / pipeline generated across different market segments (industries, revenue ranges, employee sizes)
Why don’t I see any data in my dashboard tile?
- When selecting time cohorts for your dashboard tiles, you should take into consideration your sales cycle length, how long your programs have been running, what types of campaigns you’re running, and when you implemented certain Terminus features (like Visitor ID or Engagement Spike).
For example, if you want to set up an “Engagement Insights” tile to show Impressions Served vs. Page Views, but you’ve just launched your Terminus advertising program, you may want to have the tile show month-over-month data for 3 or 6 months, rather than week over week, to see trends more clearly.
Dashboards at the beginning of a date cohort, such as quarter to date will also appear without any data until sufficient data is available.
What’s the difference between a Saved Report and a Dashboard Tile?
- To create a detailed report that maintains dates, status cohorts, and global filters, you should create a saved report. For high-level, key metric, centralized reporting across multiple reports, you should create a dashboard.
What if I need to edit a dashboard or change ownership of a dashboard?
- If you need to edit a public dashboard that you are not the owner of, the easiest thing to do would be to work with the owner of the dashboard to make edits. Another option is to duplicate the original dashboard and make your desired changes to support another team or business unit’s needs. If the owner of a dashboard needs to be reassigned, please reach out to support through the Terminus Support Portal to assist.
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