To set up sales alerts in Salesforce, you must first install the Terminus Insights package.
The Terminus Insights package for Salesforce automatically delivers advertising and website engagement data onto the Account Object via a daily sync, allowing for easy access by your sales development / business development, account executives, and customer success teams. This package also includes a set of standard reports that can be easily customized, automated, and utilized by go-to-market teams to prioritize their active account queue based on fresh behavioral signals.
In this article, we’ll walk you through how to create daily email alerts for your internal employees using these reports and the native Salesforce report scheduling feature (or “Subscribe” in the new Salesforce Lightning experience).
Customizing Your Reports
While the initial package install provides customers with out-of-the-box reporting templates, users can easily customize these reports to add additional insight and supercharge their alerts.
Terminus reports can be accessed by navigating to either:
Reports > “TerminusReports” folder (available to all SFDC users):
Salesforce Lightning view:
Salesforce Classic view:
The Terminus Tab (available for users on Enterprise version of Salesforce):
Once you’ve accessed the reports folder you can start customizing to fit the needs of your teams. In the example below, we’re helping our SDRs identify accounts that are visiting our website, and have also had an Engagement Spike. We may also choose to add in other relevant data our Sales team relies on, like Last Activity Date, intent signals, and what specific web pages they’ve visited when they had an Engagement Spike.
You can also include the Account List fields to ensure that Sales and marketing are working from the same lis of accounts:
Setting Up Recurring Alerts
Once your reports have been customized to fit your needs, you can set them up to run on a regularly scheduled cadence within Salesforce. For reports focused on Terminus data that is updated on a frequent basis, like website visits, we would recommend scheduling those to run daily (e.g. “Site Visitors This Week - Team” report template). For reports focused on Terminus data that updates less frequently, like Engagement Spike, we would recommend scheduling those to run on a weekly cadence (e.g. “Spiking Accounts This Week - Team” report template).
To schedule your reports to run in Salesforce Classic edition:
1. Click the Arrow next to the Run Report button and select schedule future runs:
2. Under the Email Report section, select To me/and or others. If you have Public Groups selected, it will be as easy as moving over that group into the Send Email To section. If you don’t have public groups, you can select each individual and move them into the Send Email To section.
3. Finally, you’ll want to schedule the frequency and hit save.
4. Once complete, your sales team will now have these insights delivered straight into their inbox.
To schedule your reports to run in Salesforce Lightning edition:
1. Select “Subscribe” from the “Edit” drop down in the top right corner of your report:
2. Select deliver frequency and recipients for your report, and Save.
The chili pepper (Surge Heat) icons aren't showing up in my scheduled email - what's up?
- The chili pepper icons will display correctly in both the Classic and Lightning reporting view in Salesforce. However, the images (as of now) will be distorted in your email subscriptions, and may look like this:
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