This feature is available to customers whose Terminus subscription includes the Campaign Analytics report.
What is Campaign Analytics?
Campaign Analytics is a bottom-up discovery report that enables marketers to understand the full breadth of their marketing programs, and provides unprecedented visibility into how each campaign is impacting pipeline and revenue.
With Campaign Analytics, Terminus customers can:
- View the pipeline and revenue impact of marketing campaigns on your target accounts.
- See which campaigns are performing best for specific tiers, segments, and industries - by channel.
- Optimize your customer journey through each stage of the funnel to closed-won revenue.
- Get visibility into the buying committee and how each person is engaging with your campaigns.
- Understand the amount of pipeline and revenue your efforts are influencing to better allocate where you’re spending your marketing dollars.
- Stack-rank your program influence on opportunity generation with a first and last touch campaign attribution framework.
- Measure program performance that occurred during the sales acceleration phase of open opportunities, to help prioritize which programs are most relevant in the lower funnel stages.
Feature Details
The Campaign Analytics report can be accessed from the Reports menu in your Terminus Measurement Studio Instance.
Campaign Types Tab
This is the default reporting view on the Campaign Analytics page, and helps determine high-level marketing influence across your key channels. Campaign Types will be based on the types defined in your connected CRM.
Data in Campaign Analytics will be based on recorded campaign responses from the Campaign object in your connected CRM.
Data Table
The following columns are viewable on the Campaign Types, All Campaigns, and Campaign Type-Specific tabs:
- Campaign Type: Refers to the Campaign Type defined in your CRM. You can click on any of the Campaign Type links to view all individual campaigns that roll up to each type.
- Campaign Responses: The total number of campaign responses for a particular campaign type, within the selected reporting timeframe.
- People Influenced: The unique number of people (leads/contacts) that responded to a campaign or campaign type. If an individual engages with multiple campaigns within a given type, they will only be counted once.
- Accounts Influenced: The number of unique accounts with associated people (leads/contacts) that have responded to a campaign or campaign type.
- Opportunities Influenced: The number of unique opportunities influenced by each campaign or campaign type. Opportunity influence is account-based, factoring all campaign responses from any person associated with the account where the opportunity is later created, or is already open when the campaign response occurred. Opportunities influenced may currently be in an open stage or may have progressed to closed won or closed lost.
- Deals Influenced: The number of unique closed won opportunities influenced by a campaign or campaign type. Deal influence is account-based, factoring all campaign responses from any person associated with the account when the campaign responses occurred before the opportunity was created or during the opportunity cycle.
- Pipeline Influenced: Sum of the total value of all opportunities influenced by a specific campaign or campaign type within the selected cohort.
- Revenue Influenced: Sum of the total value of all closed won opportunities influenced by a specific campaign or campaign type within the selected cohort.
- Total Campaign Members: Total members in the associated campaigns.
- Attributed Pipeline: The total attributed value of responses associated with any campaign in a specific type that occurred from lead acquisition to opportunity creation. An opportunity can be open, closed won, or closed lost.
- Attributed Revenue: The total attributed value of responses associated with any campaign in a specific type from lead acquisition to opportunity close on closed won opportunities.
Report Settings
Users can leverage the cohort filter options at the top of the page, as well as their Global Filters, to narrow the data to specific cohorts and segments.
Adjust your reporting view for pre-set time cohorts, or choose a custom date range.
"Campaigns That..."
- Have Activity in this Cohort: Campaigns with campaign members that have a "responded" status that occurred in the Cohort you selected. This option provides the widest set of data looking at all campaigns in your CRM and all campaign members with a "responded" status in the chosen cohort.
- Started in this cohort: Campaigns that have a start date in your CRM in the cohort selected.
- Influenced opportunities created in this cohort: Campaigns where there are campaign members with responded statuses that correspond to accounts with opportunities that have an open date or create date in the cohort selected.
- Influenced opportunities that have a close date in this cohort: Campaigns where there are campaign members with responded statuses that correspond to accounts with opportunities with a close date in the chosen cohort. This could include closed opportunities (won or lost) or opportunities with a future close date in the selected cohort.
Influence Type
This filter is used to distinguish when the the campaign influence (re: campaign responses) occurred - before, after, or any point during pre or post-opportunity creation.
- Any influence: All responses from leads and contacts associated to an account, that happened either pre- or post-opportunity creation.
- Pre-Opportunity Influence: Responses from leads and contacts associated to an account that happened before an opportunity was created.
- Post-Opportunity Influence: Responses from leads and contacts associated to an account that happened after an opportunity was created.
Attribution Model
This filter is used to distinguish between touchpoints (re: campaign responses) that occurred before an opportunity was created, based first, last, and multi-touch attribution models.
- All Influence: Any pre-opportunity touchpoints (multi-touch).
- Only available for Pre-Opportunity Influence Type:
- First touch: The first campaign response a lead/contact received.
- Last touch: The last campaign response a lead/contact received before converting into an opportunity.
Campaigns Tab
Switch to the "Campaigns" tab to see a comprehensive list view of all the individual campaigns across all campaign types in your selected cohorts and dataset.
On the All Campaigns tab, you may want to add a tag in order to organize outside of your formal Salesforce architecture.
To add a tag to a campaign:
- Click the Campaign you would like to tag
- Click “add tags”
- Enter the name of the tag you would like to use
- Click “+ Add”
- Click “close”
Campaign Type-Specific View
Clicking on a campaign type in the data table will allow you to view influence metrics for all campaigns of that specific type.
Campaign-Specific View
From either the “All Campaigns” tab, or the “Campaign Type-Specific” view, users can click on a specific campaign name to view individual campaign details. These pages surface granular details including the names of leads and contacts with responses in that campaign, and opportunities and deals influenced by each campaign.
Digital Attribution Enhancements in Campaign Analytics
Terminus Digital Attribution customers will have access to enhanced features in the Campaign Analytics report. These include:
- Activity by UTM Source and UTM Medium on the Campaign Type tab. There will be a drop down option next to the campaign types with associated digital activity.
- Activity by UTM Source, UTM Medium, and UTM Campaign on the Campaign tab. There will be a drop down option next to the campaign types with associated digital activity.
- Ungated Web Touches as a campaign type
- UTM Campaign Responses as a data table column in the Campaign-Specific view
What Questions Can Campaign Analytics Answer?
With Campaign Analytics, marketers will be able to better understand the impact of their campaigns' influence on people, accounts, pipeline and revenue. Users can leverage this report to help answer questions like:
- Which campaigns are resonating with my Tier 1 accounts?
- Which campaigns are resonating with the most people overall, or within specific account segments?
- Which campaign types are influencing the most pipeline or revenue?
- Which campaigns types are influencing the least amount of pipeline or revenue?
- What was the impact of a specific campaign? Which key people, accounts, opportunities or deals interacted with that campaign?
- Which campaigns, or campaign types, should we allocate more revenue to this quarter based on historical performance?
- “Which programs are sourcing the most new leads?” (Pre-Opportunity, First Touch). Provides historical context to make data-driven decisions when trying to prioritize programs and determine future marketing resource allocation.
- “Which programs resulted in the least amount of sourced leads, opportunities, and pipeline” (ascending)
- “Which programs resulted in the largest amount of sourced leads, opportunities, and pipeline” (descending)
- “Which programs are converting leads into opportunities?” (Pre-Opportunity, Last Touch)
- “Which programs resulted in the least amount of sourced opportunities and pipeline” (ascending) to help de-prioritize under-performing demand generation programs whose purpose is to drive conversions
- “Which programs resulted in the most amount of sourced opportunities and pipeline” (descending) to help prioritize top demand generation programs whose purpose is to drive conversions when trying to determine future marketing resource allocation.
- “Which programs are accelerating and providing coverage during the sales cycle? (Post-Opportunity)
- Stack ranks his programs to understand which are least or most prevalent across the sales opportunities.
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