In an effort to streamline our platform reporting, we have consolidated our Site Engagements Report, as well as the reports previously found in our Ad Experiences dashboard into our new Site Visits Report.
We understand that change can be challenging, but we're here to support you every step of the way. In this article, we will walk you through how you can access the same data within Site Visits that was previously found in other areas of the platform.
If you would like to learn more about the Site Visits report and its functionalities, you can check out the full feature guide here.
Site Visits Overview
All Terminus Ad Experiences customers have access to this feature. In order to view data in this report, you must have the Visitor ID tracking script installed on your website.
Feature Overview
Terminus's Account-Based Visitor ID turns your anonymous website visitors into named accounts, allowing you to see — right within your Terminus instance — how your account-based advertising is driving meaningful engagement in your target accounts. Specifically, you’ll be able to see the number of unique visitors, page views, pages per visit, and total visits for each account, as well as the date of the last visit.
Users can also drill into a specific account view to understand what content their website visitors are interacting with so they can deliver timely, personalized marketing communication and sales outreach.
How does Visitor ID work?
Once Account-Based Visitor ID is properly set up, Terminus begins recording website activity, cookies unique visitors, and then conducts a reverse-IP lookup to associate a company with the visit. Once the reverse-IP lookup is complete, Terminus identifies the company and displays it in the Site Visits table. Since the visitor is cookied during their visit, they’re considered a unique visitor and subsequent visits to your site will be tracked but not be counted against your allotment of monthly unique visitors.
(Note: As with any other cookie-based tracking solution, if a visitor clears their cookies, doesn’t allow cookies, or visits from another device, they will be counted again as a unique visitor if they return to your site.)
Transitioning From The Site Engagements Report
Overview Tab
This section will cover the similarities and differences between the overview tabs in the Site Engagements Report and the Site Visits Report
The Site Engagements Overview tab included the following summary metrics
- Accounts: Identified accounts that visited your website in the selected time range. “Identified” accounts will have activity that can be attributed to a real web user, (via our Visitor ID tracking script), and to a specific account.
- Form Fills: The number of form fills on your website by visitors on tracked pages. The form must contain an email address field, at minimum, to be counted.
- Video Plays: The number of video plays that a visitor initiated on a tracked page. “Video play” events are captured when a video is started, and are currently supported by YouTube, Vimeo, Vidyard, and HTML5.
- Chat Conversations: The number of Terminus chat conversations that were initiated by visitors (i.e., visitors that interacted with a Terminus chatbot). This metric will only show for Terminus customers that have access to Chat Experiences as part of their subscription.
- Downloads: The total number of content downloads on tracked pages. This will be detected by link clicks that contain .PDF in the URL.
- Ad Impressions: The number of Terminus ad impressions served to identified accounts in the reporting period.
The Site Visits Report not only retains the same information available in its overview tab but also introduces additional insights. Now, this data will be automatically categorized between CRM accounts and Potential Accounts (previously referred to as net new accounts in the Site Engagements Report).
Below is the additional information that can be found in the Site Visits overview that was not available within the Site Engagements Report
Page Views (CRM Accounts)- total number of pages on your website that were viewed by CRM accounts within the specified date cohort
Page Views (Potential Accounts) - The total number of pages viewed by an account that did not exist in your CRM at the time of visiting your site.
Clicks - total number of Terminus Ad clicks across all CRM accounts that visited your website within the specified date cohort
Please note that we are unable to show the following data for Potential Accounts: Impressions, Clicks.
The Site Engagements Overview Tab also included these three charts to indicate recent and top activity in your visiting accounts:
The Site Visits Report includes Top Accounts by Activity and Recent Form Fills for both CRM and Potential Accounts. You will now be able to find data related to Intent Topics within our Intent Navigator Feature.
- Top Accounts By Activity: This chart will display the top 5 accounts with the most web activity events (visits, form fills, video plays, chat conversations, and downloads) in the reporting period
- Recent Form Fills: This chart will display 5 accounts with the most recent form fill submissions in the reporting period
- Top 5 Intent Topics: This chart will display the top 5 tracked intent topics with the highest number of surges (by count) from accounts in your Terminus Data Studio instance, within the reporting period. Customers will need to have their Bombora intent topics configured in Data Studio to see this data.
Note: At this time, users are not able to click into these charts to see further details. The Account View tab, however, will provide additional information, including a breakdown of web activity events by account.
We have also moved the Key Engagements chart from Site Engagements into the Site Visits overview tab. Similar to the metrics above, this will now be shown for both CRM and potential accounts separately.
- This Key Engagements chart will show a breakdown of website activity events in the reporting period. The breakdown will include:
- Video Plays
- Form Fills
- Downloads
- Chat Conversations (for customers that have access to Terminus Chat)
Account View
The second tab on the Site Engagements report is the Account View tab. Here, users can see a detailed view of website activity at the account level.
In addition to the date range filters, this section of the report will also include filters for:
- Searching for specific accounts. By default, the table will show “All Accounts,” but selecting the drop down for this filter will reveal a search bar.
- Filtering by account type. This will default to “All Accounts,” but users can also select to only view “Data Studio Accounts” (identified accounts in their instance of Data Studio), or “Net New Accounts” (identified accounts that were NOT found in their instance of Data Studio). The Net New Accounts filter can be used to identify accounts that are engaging with your brand, but may not be on sales or marketing’s radar yet.
- Filter by number of ad impressions served. By default, any identified account (regardless of whether they’ve seen impressions) that has engaged on the website in the reporting period will be included in the Account table. By adjusting the filter, users can view activity from accounts that have seen at least one ad impression, or by accounts that have not seen any ad impressions. This filter can be used to better understand the impact that Terminus advertising is having on web traffic and web activity.
In the account table, users can view additional account-level information, including:
- Ad Impressions: Total number of ad impressions served to the account, within the reporting period
- Total Visits: Total visits from the account, within the reporting period
- Unique Visitors: The number of individuals who visited a website or a set of web pages in a given time period, per device
- Unique Page Views: Total number of unique page views from visitors at the account, within the reporting period
- Total Pages per Visit: The total number of pages viewed per visit
- Form Fills: Total number of form fills from visitors at the account, within the reporting period
- Video Plays: The number of times your video starts to play
- Downloads: Total number of content downloaded per visit
- Total Activities: Number of total web activity (Form Fills, Video Plays, Chat Conversations, Downloads, Ad Impressions) events from the account, within the reporting period
- Last Visit: The most recent visit date from the account, within the reporting period
- Page Views: An instance of a page being loaded (or reloaded) in a browser
- The domain of the page/pages that was/were viewed
Site Visits Table
Aggregate View
In the site visits table, you will see all accounts that have visited your site within your specified timeframe. These accounts are split into two tabs - one for accounts in your CRM, and one for accounts not in your CRM (aka potential account).
For each account, you will see the following metrics:
- Sessions: A period of continuous activity which comprises multiple pages views.
- Devices: The number of distinct devices from which visitors for this account were identified
- Impressions: The number of Terminus ad impressions served to identified accounts in the reporting period.
- Clicks: The number of Terminus ad clicks performed by the account in the reporting period.
- Page Views: The total number of pages viewed by the account.
- Last Page View: The last time the account viewed a page on your site
- Form Fills: The number of form fills on your website by visitors on tracked pages. The form must contain an email address field, at minimum, to be counted.
- Downloads: The total number of content downloads on tracked pages. This will be detected by link clicks that contain .PDF in the URL.
- Video Plays: The number of video plays that a visitor initiated on a tracked page. “Video play” events are captured when a video is started, and are currently supported by YouTube, Vimeo, Vidyard, and HTML5.
- Pages per Visit: The average number of pages viewed during a session.
Account View
To see all of the specific pages visited by an account during your selected time frame, you can click on the "page views" number for the desired account:
This will take you to the account view table:
This table shows that account’s web behavior, including:
- Domain: the domain or subdomain that people from a particular account have visited
- URL: the particular page visited
- Sessions: A period of continuous activity which comprises multiple pages views.
- Devices: The number of distinct devices from which visitors for this account were identified
- Page Views: The total number of pages viewed by the account.
- Last Page View: The last time the account viewed a page on your site
- Form Fills: The number of form fills on your website by visitors on tracked pages. The form must contain an email address field, at minimum, to be counted.
- Downloads: The total number of content downloads on tracked pages. This will be detected by link clicks that contain .PDF in the URL.
- Video Plays: The number of video plays that a visitor initiated on a tracked page. “Video play” events are captured when a video is started, and are currently supported by YouTube, Vimeo, Vidyard, and HTML5.
Location: the city, state and country from which the visits occurred. If multiple locations were detected, you can expand out to see them:
Transitioning From The Ad Experiences Dashboard
Engaged Accounts
The Engaged Accounts report previously on the Ad Experiences dashboard offers insights into the total number of accounts engaging with Terminus ad tactics and the overall campaign spend.
Accessing the Enhanced Reporting Features
The insights you've valued from the Engaged Accounts report are now seamlessly integrated into our new Aggregate Account report. This enhanced report is easily accessible within the reports section of the Ad Experiences platform.
What's New in the Aggregate Account Report?
Our new Aggregate Account report offers a comprehensive account-level overview, ensuring you receive all the critical data previously available, along with enhanced features designed to improve your analysis capabilities. This report aims to provide a more in-depth understanding of how accounts are interacting with your campaigns and the effectiveness of your ad spend.
Learn more about the new Aggregate Account report here
Visiting Accounts
The report previously known as "Visiting Accounts" within the Ad Experiences dashboard has been evolved into the more comprehensive "Site Visits" report, now available in the Measurement Studio platform's reports section.
Accessing the New Site Visits Report
You can easily find the new Site Visits report in the Measurement Studio under the reports section. This update is designed to provide you with a deeper understanding of the engagement on your website resulting from Terminus campaigns. Learn more about the new Site Visits report here.
What Has Changed?
To provide clearer insights and a more intuitive analysis, we've made the following updates to the reporting labels:
- Total Visits: Now represented as Sessions to better reflect user interactions.
- Unique Visits: Updated to Devices to more accurately account for the diverse ways users access your site.
- PPV (Page Per Visit): Simplified to Page Views, offering a more straightforward metric of engagement.
Potential Accounts Definition:
- Previously: Accounts known to your site but not targeted in specific tactics during selected periods, available under the Engagement Funnel's website activity stage. This allowed for filtering by accounts with or without ad impressions.
- Now: The focus shifts to any company that visited your site but was not present in your CRM at the time of their visit, broadening the scope of engagement analysis.
Opened Opportunities
The report previously known as Opened Opportunities within the Ad Experiences dashboard was used to track the effectiveness of your engagement strategies, highlighting the number of new opportunities and their total value generated from accounts that have interacted with Salesforce-integrated Terminus tactics.
Accessing the Enhanced Reporting Features
The insights you've valued from the Opened Opportunity report are now integrated into the Terminus Engagement Funnel. To view the same information, you can view the In Pipeline stage of the funnel, and select the Accounts with Ad Impressions toggle.
You can access the Engagement Funnel by selecting the funnel icon on the left-side menu in Measurement Studio.
Click here to learn more about the Terminus Engagement Funnel.
Won Deals
The report previously known as Won Deals within the Ad Experiences dashboard was used to track the number of opportunities won in accounts that have engagement with at least one Salesforce-integrated Terminus tactic and the value of those won opportunities.
Accessing the Enhanced Reporting Features
The insights you've valued from the Won Deals report are now integrated into the Terminus Engagement Funnel. To view the same information, you can view the Closed Won stage of the funnel, and select the Accounts with Ad Impressions toggle.
You can access the Engagement Funnel by selecting the funnel icon on the left-side menu in Measurement Studio.
Click here to learn more about the Terminus Engagement Funnel.
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