The Terminus Engagement Funnel provides a comprehensive view of the customer journey, from Intent through Closed Won. This report can be found by clicking the funnel icon on the left menu.
Funnel Stages
At the top of the report is the funnel chart. In this chart you can see a snapshot of where all of your CRM accounts are in their current journey. The Terminus Engagement Funnel has 7 stages, which are defined as follows:
- Intent: this stage contains accounts showing no ad activity or in a campaign within the last 90 days, but showing 3rd party intent.
- Pre-awareness: this stage contains accounts with 1-99 impressions but no site visits or clicks within the last 90 days.
- Awareness: this stage contains accounts that have had 100 or more impressions in the last 90 days
- Web Activity: this stage contains accounts that have had one or more clicks or one or more site visits in the last 90 days
- Meaningful Engagement: this stage contains accounts that fit the definitions chosen for engagement, as seen in the “Engaged Accounts” section of the ABM Scorecard. To update or view these settings, go to Settings > More Settings, and click “Account Engagement”. Lookback windows (timeframes in which an event must occur) are also defined in those settings.
- In Pipeline: this stage contains accounts that have an active open opportunity at this point in time.
- Closed Won: this stage contains accounts that have been marked as “Closed Won” within the last 90 days from todays date. Note - if an account has both a "Closed Won" opportunity and an open one, it will be in the "Closed Won" stage.
At the top of each stage, you will see the number of accounts in that stage, along with the percent of total accounts that stage represents.
Below each stage, you will see the average velocity of an account - how long it remained in that stage.
Hovering over a stage will give you some key information about its accounts:
Accounts with or without ads: for later stages such as Web Activity, Meaningful Engagement, In Pipeline and Closed Won, you will be able to see how many accounts in that stage were served ads in the specified timeframe vs how many were not.
- The intent stage will not show accounts with ads, as the criteria for that stage excludes ad activity
- The pre-awareness and awareness stages will not show accounts with no ads, as the criteria for those stages requires ad activity
- Average Number of Impressions: for all stages where ads may have been served, you will see the average number of impressions for an account in that stage.
Accounts Table
Below the funnel graph you will find a table of all your accounts in the funnel. For each account you will find the following values:
- Account Name: clicking the account name will take you to the account’s hub in data studio.
- Stage: the current funnel stage the account is in
- Days in Stage: the number of days the account has been in this stage
- Impressions: the number of impressions the account generated in the last 90 days
- Clicks: the number of clicks the account generated in the last 90 days
- Ad Spend: the ad spend attributed to this account in the last 90 days
- Intent Topic: the intent topics surging in the last 90 days
- Last Intent Surge: the date of the most recent intent surge in the last 90 days
- Page Views: the number of page views in the last 90 days
- Engagement Spike: engagement spikes seen in the last 90 days
- Engagement Spike Date: the date of the most recent spike
- Campaign Responses: the number of valid campaign member responses in the last 90 days
- Last Campaign Response Date: the most recent campaign response date for leads and contacts associated with the account
- Opportunity Amount: the value of the current open opportunity
By default, all columns will be shown, but you can remove them by clicking the column picker on the right. Additionally, you can download the list of accounts by clicking the download icon:
There are multiple options for filtering your data within the funnel.
By Ads
At the top of the page, you can choose to narrow down the accounts shown by whether or not they were served ads.
This will update both the graph and the table.
Stage Panel
To the left of the table, you will see an option to narrow down the data by one or more of the funnel stages. To do this, select or deselect stages and hit “Apply”:
Global Filters
As with many other parts of Data and Measurement Studios, you can apply Global Filters to further refine your accounts. For more on creating Global Filters, see the overview article. To apply a global filter simply click the filter icon on the right, select an existing filter or create a new one.
Adding to Account List
Once you have selected your filter criteria (if desired), you can add your results to an account list for further targeting or measurement. To do this, hit the “add to account list” button in the top right:
From here, you will have the option to add to an existing account list or create a new one.
To choose an existing account list, you can scroll to the one you want, or search for a specific list. List folders can be found below the list name.
Alternatively, you can choose to create a new list.
To start, enter an account list name. From there you can choose to add it to an existing folder or create a new one.
Once you have selected your list, click "Add to Account List". The accounts you selected will now be available in that list.
Q: Can I target accounts based on funnel stage dynamically?
A: Yes, in Segment Builder, you can select a specific funnel stage to target, ensuring that accounts dynamically populate as the segment refreshes and accounts progress through different funnel stages.
Q: Can I customize the funnel stages?
A: Funnel stages are currently pre-defined, but it is on our roadmap to create customizable stages.
Q: Are funnel stages for my accounts sent to my CRM?
A: Yes, we send the funnel stage, the number of days an account has been in that stage, and the date the account entered the stage directly to Salesforce, HubSpot, and Dynamics 365.
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