To leverage Terminus Insights, you must have an integrated HubSpot CRM Data Studio instance. Additionally, to see Site Engagements and Engagement Spike data, you must have the Visitor ID Script installed on your website.
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Terminus Insights enables customers to access Terminus advertising metrics, website activity, and other crucial account-level intelligence in a single, powerful location: HubSpot CRM. The data pushback includes aggregate account summary metrics for all HubSpot subscriptions. For users with HubSpot Professional or Enterprise subscriptions, custom reports can be created to further leverage this data. You can submit a ticket through the Terminus Support Portal at any point during the installation and setup process.
Enable Terminus Insights for HubSpot
1. Connecting Your HubSpot Account
If you have not yet connected your Data Studio instance with HubSpot, you'll need to do it for the first time by following these instructions.
For customers who are already connected, you'll need to re-authenticate your Data Studio connection to enable Terminus to write new attributes to your HubSpot Companies. Follow the steps below to connect:
- Either clear your browser's cache/cookies or open an incognito browser window. This ensures that you and the API Integration User are both logged out of the CRM system.
- Log in to using your username and password.
- Navigate to Data Studio.
- Copy/Paste the following link into the address bar: (Please do not open a new tab to do this.)
- Follow the integration instructions on the screen to connect with your organization's HubSpot instance. When the HubSpot-hosted login page appears, make sure to use the API Integration User's credentials instead of your own.
If you experience any issues connecting, please go to the Terminus Support Portal and submit a ticket.
2. Verify Visitor ID Tracking Script
With the Visitor ID tracking script installed, you are able to view website engagement, including page views, form fills, video plays, and specific page interactions, for visiting accounts directly in your HubSpot CRM. Once the tag is installed, you can check to make sure it is running by using the developer tools in Google Chrome or Firefox.
- On a PC, you can either press F12 or go to Settings > More Tools > Developer Tools. Click on "Network", then in the filter section, type "wec-assets". If you see the code load on the site, it indicates that it was implemented correctly.
- On a MAC, you can click on "View" from the menu bar at the top left section. Hover over "Developer" and select "Developer Tools". Click on "Network", then in the filter section, type "wec-assets". If you see the code load on the site, it indicates that it was implemented correctly. Alternatively, you can right-click on the browser screen and select "Inspect" > "Network".
- When the script fires in your browser, you should see the following cookies (named jwt_cookie):
- "s-9da4" is a session cookie, and "d-a8e6" is a device ID cookie. If you delete or block them, you will lose Visitor ID tracking for visitors.
- Similar to other tracking scripts, you can choose to prevent the VID code from firing off if the user declines the cookie policy/agreement. Additionally, if visitors have Do Not Track Headers (DNT), we will not track them.
To verify that the script is running via your Tag Manager, follow these steps:
- Open Developer Tools (Right click + Inspect, or Settings > Developer Tools)
- Click on "Sources"
- Look for your Tag Manager URL and click on it
- Find your Tag Manager Container and click on it
- Search for "wec-assets"
- Verify that the Terminus script was installed on the correct container
If you do not see the tracking script, it's possible that it has not been installed correctly. You can follow these instructions to implement it for your website or contact your webmaster and submit a ticket through the Terminus Support Portal.
3. Turn on Data Feed
Once you have connected your HubSpot CRM to Data Studio, you will need to submit a ticket through the Terminus Support Portal to request that HubSpot pushback be enabled for your account — see sample request below.
4. Data Cycle Refresh
After you have connected to Data Studio, verified your Visitor ID tracking pixel is on your website, and had HubSpot pushback enabled by Terminus Support, the Terminus Metrics data will begin populating within 24 hours. Data will be updated in HubSpot on a daily basis, except for Engagement Spike data, which currently refreshes on a weekly basis.
5. Displaying Terminus Metrics Properties on the Company Object
After the initial data cycle has refreshed, you will now see Terminus Metrics available on your Company object.
To customize what properties are visible on the Companies layout, you can follow these steps:
- Go to the Settings icon on the top navigation bar
- Scroll on the left panel to Data Management > Companies
- Select Record Customization > Customize the left sidebar > Edit default view
- Select Add Section and name it Terminus Metrics
- Select which metrics you would like displayed by default, and in which order, then click "Save"
Now your Terminus Metrics will now display on each Company record by default.
For more information, you can visit
You can find the following Terminus account summary data available on the Company object:
Last Pushback Date
This is date that identifies when we last pushed data into Hubspot for that account. This date will only update when new data becomes available and is updated on the account record in the CRM. If the date is in the past, it indicates that no changes have occurred for any Terminus Metrics on that account since that date.
Field Label | Data Type | Description |
Last Pushback Date |
Date |
This is the date that pushback data was last updated. |
Engagement Spike
Engagement Spike surfaces CRM accounts with spiking engagement on your most valuable web content. Marketers set up engagement models based on High-Value pages and Awareness pages. Spikes then track anonymous web data at an account level and will alert you weekly when an account is spiking.
Terminus Engagement Spike allows you to compare the web activity of the same account week over week, averaging each week’s engagement data over a continual rolling 4-week baseline resulting in a percentage lift as we show for the spike percentage. Engagement Spike reports generate weekly, on Saturdays, for their respective Engagement Models. Therefore, these fields will also update weekly in Hubspot, if there is any Engagement Spike data for that account.
Within the Terminus Engagements view, you will be able to see the following Engagement Spike fields. This data can be leveraged in CRM reporting or to trigger other marketing channels and better align your sales and marketing activities.
Field Label | Data Type | Description |
Last Spike | Date | This is the date of the most recent engagement spike period. This will update on Sunday for each account that has a new spike for the previous week. |
Spike Percent | Number | This metric represents the engagement spike percentage lift, which is determined by comparing activity over a rolling 4-week period. A higher percentage suggests increased activity compared to the previous 4-week baseline. |
Spike Status | Single-Line Text | The status of the most recent spike — New vs. Repeat. A new spike indicated this account has either never spiked before or hasn't spiked within this current 4-week rolling period. A repeat spike indicates the account had spiked at least once during the 4-week rolling period and is spiking again. |
Engaging On | Single-Line Text | This indicates the Engagement Models on which an account is experiencing spikes. If an account is spiking on pages associated with multiple models, model names will appear as separate values delimited with a semicolon. |
Most Visited Awareness Pages | Single-Line Text | This field indicates which awareness web pages, as defined by the marketer (ex. blog posts), are most frequently visited during the 1-week spiking period set by the Last Spike Date. |
Most Visited High-Value Pages | Single-Line Text | This field indicates which high-value web pages, as defined by the marketer (ex. case studies or webinars), are most frequently visited during the 1-week spiking period set by the Last Spike Date. |
Site Engagements
Terminus's Visitor ID web tracking technology turns your anonymous website visitors into named accounts, allowing you to see how your account-based programs are driving meaningful engagement on your website. With the Visitor ID tracking script installed on your website, you will be able to view website engagement, including page views, form fills, video plays, and specific page interactions, for visiting accounts in your CRM. Visitor ID data generates daily in the Ad Experiences interface. Therefore, these fields will also update daily in Hubspot, if there is new Visitor ID data available for that account.
Within the Terminus Engagements view, you will be able to see the following Site Engagement fields. This data can be leveraged in CRM reporting or to trigger other marketing channels and better align your sales and marketing activities.
Field | Data Type | Description |
Last Visit Date |
Date |
This is the date of the last website visit. |
People on Site (7 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of unique web visitors within the 7-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
People on Site (30 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of unique web visitors within the 30-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
People on Site (90 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of unique web visitors within the 90-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Web Visits (7 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of total web visits within the 7-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Web Visits (30 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of total web visits within the 30-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Web Visits (90 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of total web visits within the 90-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Last Form Fill Date |
Date |
This is the date of the last form fill. |
Form Fills (7 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of form fills on your website within the 7-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Form Fills (30 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of form fills on your website within the 30-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Form Fills (90 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of form fills on your website within the 90-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Last Video Play Date |
Date |
This is the date of the last video play. |
Video Plays (7 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of video plays within the 7-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Video Plays (30 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of video plays within the 30-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Video Plays (90 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of video plays within the 90-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Last Download Date |
Date |
This is the date of the last download. |
Downloads (7 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of content downloads within the 7-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Downloads (30 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of content downloads within the 30-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Downloads (90 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the number of content downloads within the 90-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Display Advertising Metrics
Terminus' account based advertising allows marketers to engage with best-fit accounts across the entire internet. The metrics described here allow you to understand the exposure your brand has had from Terminus advertising across these different accounts. The more impressions and clicks, the higher likelihood that the account is aware of your brand and interested in your company's offering. Advertising data generates daily in the Ad Experiences interface. Therefore, these fields will also update daily in Hubspot, if there is new advertising data available for that account.
Within the Terminus Engagements view, you will be able to see the following Advertising fields. This data can be leveraged in CRM reporting or to trigger other marketing channels and better align your sales and marketing activities.
Field Label | Data Type | Description |
Last Ad Click Date | Date | This is the date an ad was last clicked by the account. This is a very strong signal that the account is interested in your company. |
Ad Clicks (7 Day Snapshot) | Number | This metric indicates the number of clicks that the account generated during a 7-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Ad Clicks (30 Day Snapshot) | Number | This metric indicates the number of clicks that the account generated during a 30-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Ad Clicks (90 Day Snapshot) | Number | This metric indicates the number of clicks that the account generated during a 90-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Last Ad Impression Date | Date | This is the date an ad was last served to the account. In general, the more impressions, the more likely the account is aware of your company. |
Ad Impressions (7 Day Snapshot) | Number | This metric indicates the total number of ad impressions that were served to the account within a 7-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Ad Impressions (30 Day Snapshot) | Number | This metric indicates the total number of ad impressions that were served to the account within a 30-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Ad Impressions (90 Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric indicates the total number of ad impressions that were served to the account within a 90-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Ad Spend (Week to Date, USD) |
Number |
This metric provides insight into the total amount of money that was spent on advertising during the current week, from the Monday up until the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Ad Spend (7-Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric provides insight into the total amount of money that was spend on advertising within the 7-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Ad Spend (30-Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric provides insight into the total amount of money that was spend on advertising within the 30-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Ad Spend (90-Day Snapshot) |
Number |
This metric provides insight into the total amount of money that was spend on advertising within the 90-day period from the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Ad Spend (Month to Date, USD) |
Number |
This metric provides insight into the total amount of money that was spent on advertising during the current month, from the 1st of the month up until the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Ad Spend (Quarter to Date, USD) |
Number |
This metric provides insight into the total amount of money that was spent on advertising during the current quarter, from the beginning of the quarter up until the Last Pushback Timestamp. Quarters begin January 1, April 1, July 1 and September 1. |
Ad Spend (Total, USD) |
Number |
This metric provides insight into the total amount of money that has been spent on advertising up until the Last Pushback Timestamp. |
Intent Surges
Intent data identifies which accounts are researching Intent topics related to your business, products and services.
Within the Terminus Engagements view, you will be able to see the following Intent Surge fields. This data can be leveraged in CRM reporting or to trigger other marketing channels and better align your sales and marketing activities.
Field Label | Data Type | Description |
Last Intent Surge Topic | Single-Line Text | This is the most recent surging intent topic with the highest intent surge score. |
Last Intent Surge Date | Date | This is the date of the most recent surging intent topic surging with the highest intent surge score. |
Last Intent Surge Score | Number | This score represents the intensity of research on a specific topic when compared to its historical baseline, for the most recent/highest surging intent topic. |
Surging Intent Topics | Single-Line Text | This is a list of all surging intent topics during the 14-day period following the Last Pushback Date, sorted first by the most recent activity, then by the highest intent surge score. |
Active Intent Keywords | Single-Line Text | This is a list of all intent keywords with activities during the 14-day period following the Last Pushback Date, sorted by the highest number of activities. |
Last Intent Keyword | Single-Line Text | This is the most recent intent keyword with the most recent activity. |
Last Keyword Activity Date | Date | This is the date of the most recent keyword activity. |
Engagement Funnel
The Terminus Engagement Funnel provides a comprehensive view of the customer journey, from Intent through Closed Won. Within the Terminus Engagements view, you will be able to see the following Engagement Funnel fields. This data can be leveraged in CRM reporting or to trigger other marketing channels and better align your sales and marketing activities.
Field Label | Data Type | Description |
Terminus Funnel Stage |
Single-Line Test |
This is the name of the Terminus Engagement Funnel stage the account is currently in. |
Days in Funnel Stage |
Number |
This is the number of days the account has been in this funnel stage. |
Entered Funnel Stage |
Date |
This is the date when the account entered this funnel stage. |
Audience Sources
Terminus supports two types of audience sources — Account Lists and Segments. Account Lists are static, named groups of targeted accounts. Segments are groups of targeted accounts that are dynamically included or excluded based on changes in source data and rule criteria.
In the Terminus platform, both audience sources can be used to coordinate and prioritize your target accounts by analyzing their marketing, sales, and web activity, along with key firmographics. The key difference between them is that one produces a static list of accounts, while the other produces a dynamic list of accounts. Account List and Segment membership data updates daily in the Data Studio interface. Therefore, these fields will also update daily in Hubspot if there are changes in audience membership for that account.
Within the Terminus Engagements view, you will be able to see the active Account Lists or Segments the account is currently in. This data can be leveraged in CRM reporting or to trigger other marketing channels and better align your sales and marketing activities.
Field Label | Data Type | Description |
Terminus Account Lists | Single-Line Text |
Shows the Account List name(s) that the account being viewed actively belongs to in Terminus Data Studio. |
Terminus Segments | Single-Line Text | Shows the segment name(s) that the account being viewed actively belongs to in Terminus Data Studio. |
6. Set up Custom Reports & Dashboard
To create custom reports, you must have a Professional or Enterprise HubSpot subscription. Visit the HubSpot Knowledge Base to learn more about creating custom reports. We recommend the following reports that use Terminus Metrics and can be tailored to your unique needs and CRM setup.
Site Engagements
Site Engagements, powered by Terminus's Visitor ID web tracking script, provides visibility into how your account-based programs are driving engagement on your website and can be customized by engagement type (e.g. Form Fill vs. Download). This report presents an aggregated view of web activity from the visiting accounts based on Last Visit Date — and displays a list of accounts prioritized by the latest visit, download, form fill or video play date. The report also includes metrics such as site visitors, form fills, video plays, downloads, and page views.
Advertising Engagement Report
The Advertising Engagement Report offers visibility into the performance of your account-based advertising. This report provides an aggregated overview of your advertising metrics for display, retargeting, and global campaigns based on Last Ad Impression — and displays a list of accounts ranked by their latest ad engagement. The metrics included in this report are impressions, clicks, and spend.
Spiking Accounts Report
The Spiking Accounts Report provides visibility into accounts that are showing increased engagement with your product offerings and brand through a lift in web activity for the previous week compared to the account's previous 4-week baseline. This report presents an aggregated overview of engagement spikes based on Last Spike — and displays a list of accounts ranked by the highest spike percentage. Metrics included in this report are spike status (new vs. repeat), spike percentage, site visitors, and the most frequently visited high-value and awareness pages. If you are unsure about Engagement Models or how they work, you can learn more by clicking here.
Surging Intent Report
The Surging Intent Report provides visibility into accounts that are surging on your intent topics defined in Data Studio. This report presents an aggregated overview of intent surges based on Last Intent Surge — and displays a list of accounts ranked by the highest surge score. Metrics included in this report are Intent Topic, Intent Score and Last Surge. If you are unsure about how intent works or is set up in Data Studio, you can learn more by clicking here.
Terminus Engagement Funnel
The Terminus Engagement Funnel provides a comprehensive view of the customer journey, from Intent through Closed Won. This report presents an aggregated overview of accounts in the Terminus Engagement Funnel — and displays a graph with number of accounts and average days in funnel by stage name. If you are unsure about how the Terminus Engagement Funnel works or is set up in Data Studio, you can learn more by clicking here.
In addition to standalone reports, you have the option to modify or add the above reports to your existing dashboard(s), or you can create a new dashboard specifically designed to view Terminus Metrics in one place.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do spend fields not show up with a currency symbol?
The spend fields do not display a currency symbol because Terminus reports spend metrics in US dollars, and currency settings are managed directly within HubSpot. Since customers may have varying configurations or default values for their currency settings, we maintain consistency by pushing back the spend field as a formatted number value. If you wish to change this property to a currency number value, please follow the edit property instructions.
- Why do percent fields not show up with a %?
Percent properties are not natively supported by HubSpot, which means that the percent field(s) pushed back by Terminus are represented as a rounded value with percentage in the label. (e.g. 100% = 100) -
Why don't I see Terminus Metrics?
If you are unable to see Terminus Metrics, it's possible you do not have appropriate permissions within HubSpot to view the properties. Check with your HubSpot Super Admin to make sure you have access to view properties on the Company object. If you do have access to view fields on the Company object, make sure that you have followed the steps mentioned in the section "Enable Terminus Insights for HubSpot". If you have followed these steps and still cannot view the metrics, you can submit a ticket through the Terminus Support Portal for further assistance.
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