This functionality is limited to our legacy display advertising product (tactics/campaigns launched pre-May 2023). This feature will continue to function for any legacy tactics that still remain active in your instance, but it cannot be utilized with any current or future campaigns.
To create progression rules for new display ads, simply create exclusion rules in your segment. Segments are dynamic, and accounts will flow in and out based on the inclusion/exclusion rules.
To leverage this feature, you must have the Terminus Ad Experiences product integrated directly with Salesforce.
Terminus Ad Experiences allows users to select accounts to target with digital advertising from their Salesforce CRM data. The integration with Salesforce also allows users to set progression rules, which are automated triggers, based on updates made in Salesforce, that remove accounts from an active advertising tactic.
Setting Up a Progression Rule
When you're creating a new tactic, positive progression through your pipeline would be defined in Terminus as a progression rule. For example:
- A net new opportunity being created for a target account
- An account moving from stage "Interest" to stage "Evaluation" in your sales cycle
After you've completed your Salesforce integration authentication, you'll start by creating a new advertising tactic.
When creating a new tactic, you'll need to select "Display" as your advertising channel, and "Salesforce" as your audience source.
Feature Note
The progression rule feature is unique to our direct integration with the Salesforce platform, and cannot be used with other audience sources, like Terminus Data Studio, or a direct .CSV upload.
In the next stage of the tactic setup process, you'll be prompted to select your Salesforce audience rules, and create your progression rule. At the bottom of the "Audience Selection" setup page, you'll see the option to create a progression rule:
A few notes on this step:
- Your progression rule will be based on fields from the SFDC object your audience rules were pulled from. For example: If your audience was pulled from the Account Object, your progression rule would also need to be based on fields on the Account Object.
- Your audience rules and progression rule can only be based on fields and values that your authenticating SFDC user has access to view. Please consult this article for more details, or reach out to support through the Terminus Support Portal if you are not able to see your desired fields.
- Neither the audience rules nor the progression rule operators support "CONTAINS" functionality. Rather, the operators will be based on the field types designated in SFDC. For example, you could not create a rule that says, "Opportunity Name CONTAINS 'New Business'."
- Like your audience rules, if your progression rule field is a multi-select list option, you can select multiple fields as your progression rule to create an "OR" logic situation. For example, a progress rule that says, "Opportunity Stage = Interest, Evaluation" would mean that an account should stop seeing ads if they are updated to Stage = Interest OR Evaluation in Salesforce,
- Unlike your audience rules, however, you do not have the ability to layer in multiple fields; your progression rule can only be based on a single field criteria.
- Progression rules are optional; if you select "No, I would like accounts to always remain in this tactic," accounts will see your ads until they are manually turned off, until the tactic is paused or completed/archived, or if they no longer meeting your original audience rule criteria.
Here are two ways you might use progression rules:
Example 1: Targeting Active Accounts w/ No Open Opportunities
In this scenario, your goal would be to serve a specific set of ads to a group of accounts until a net new opportunity is generated in Salesforce. You could start by targeting on the Account object with some basic segmentation criteria:
And, for your progression rule, you could utilize the "Created Opportunities" option, which is a default rule made available to all SFDC-integrated Terminus accounts:
This rule says that, if an account that has received Terminus impressions in this tactic is updated in SFDC to have a net new opportunity record created, our system will automatically remove the account from seeing ads in our next data cycle (over night), and the account will be marked as "Progressed" in the Tactic Details Page.
With this progression rule, we will not remove accounts you're targeting that have an existing opportunity record open. Additionally, the "Type Number" for this rule should be set to "1" and not "0", to avoid having all accounts automatically move to an "inactive" status when the tactic is launched.
Feature Note
An account will only be counted as "progressed" if they also receive ad impressions in the tactic. If an account meets your progression rule criteria before any impressions are served, that account will instead be moved to an "inactive" status.
Example 2: Targeting Accounts That Are In an Active Sales Cycle
In this scenario, your goal would be to progress accounts out of your advertising tactic when they move to the next positive stage in your sales cycle. This is a great use case for setting up a dynamic advertising campaign that automatically progresses accounts through a series of ads, similar to an email nurture campaign.
You'd start by selecting the Opportunity Object, and designating your audience criteria. For this example, both your audience criteria and your progression rule should include the "Opportunity Stage" field:
When setting up your progression rule, you'd then select the next positive stage (or stages), in your sales cycle:
So, once this tactic is submitted, you'll start by targeting all accounts in SFDC that have an opportunity with stage = "Demo" and whose opportunity type = "New Customer." If, at any time the campaign is running, and active account who has received Terminus impressions moves from stage = "Demo" to stage = "Evaluation", our system will automatically remove the account from seeing ads in our next data cycle (over night), and the account will be marked as "Progressed" in the Tactic Detail Page.
From here, you could set up a subsequent advertising tactic to target accounts in "Stage = Evaluation," and so on.
Feature Note
Once a tactic has been submitted, your progression rule criteria cannot be changed. If you need to make changes to your progression rule, you will need to launch a new advertising tactic.
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