Feature Overview:
Routing Workflows are used to control chat conversation routing (who from your team receives the notification to join a chat conversation). Within Routing Workflows, you can build conversation routing logic based on data such as Visitor Location, Company Headquarter Location, Terminus Firmographic Data (industry, revenue, etc.), data imported from Salesforce, and more.
Each Routing Workflow can be added to any and all of your chat playbooks - empowering you to seamlessly control all of your chat conversation routing within one place in Terminus Chat.
Recommended Prerequisites:
Before creating a Routing Workflow, we recommend that you first create User Groups, Territories, custom data elements, and enable any Salesforce fields that you plan to leverage within your chat conversation logic.
How to Create a Routing Workflow:
1. Navigate to the "Routing Workflows" page, then click "Create New Routing Workflow".
2. Click the pencil icon to name your Routing Workflow.
3. Configure your default rule. The Default Rule will occur when no other rules match.
- Route To: Select Who Terminus Chat should notify.
- Users - Select the specific user to notify.
- User Group - Select a User Group to notify.
- Territory Owner - Route based on a Terminus Chat Territory.
- Integration Owner - Route based on a connected integration.
- Apply Tags (optional): This will apply a tag to the conversation when the rule condition is true.
- Set Hidden Data Element Values (optional): Store a hidden data value to the chat conversation.
- No Answer Action: This is the action that occurs if the first notified user does not answer.
- Return to Playbook - The conversation will resume with the "No Answer Play" as defined in your playbook.
- Route to All Available Members - Notifies All Online Members(according to their assigned schedules)
- Continue to Next Rule - Terminus Chat will continue to the next matching rule to determine who to notify as fallback. This option is not available for the default rule.
4. Click "+Add" to add more rules.
As you are adding rules, the order in which the rules are listed on the left panel matters. This is the order in which the rules will fire.
If you need to adjust the order of your rules, hover over the rule you would like to move and click on the respective arrow to move it up or down:
How to Add a Routing Workflow to Playbook:
Once you've completed your Routing Workflow, you can add it within your playbooks.
1. Navigate to the playbook where you would like to add the Workflow.
2. Click "+Add" and then "Routing Workflow".
3. The "Select Routing Workflow" will open. Select the Routing Workflow you want to add and then click "Save".
4. The Routing Workflow Play will now appear in your playbook. You can see a preview of the routing rule sequence in the bottom section.
- Click the pencil icon to rename the play.
- Then, input a Routing Message.
- The Routing Message will display at the start of your routing rules.
- Then, select the No Answer Play.
- The No Answer Play will display if the conversation routing is unsuccessful - either meaning there was not a routing match or the notified user did not answer.
5. Ensure that you have connected the Routing Workflow within your playbook.
This completes the process of adding Routing Workflows to playbooks. Whenever you modify a Routing Workflow, the will automatically update.
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