Feature Overview:
When setting up your chat conversation routing, you may want to notify a group of users rather than a single user. Using User Groups, you can easily segment your Terminus Chat users into various groups to reference within your Routing Workflows.
If you are leveraging the Terminus Chat + Slack Integration, you can also select which Slack Channel to direct notifications within this group.
How to Create a User Group:
1. Within Terminus Chat, navigate to the "User Groups" page.
2. In the top right corner, click on "Create User Group".
3. Click the pencil icon to name your new User Group.
4. Click "Add Members". This will open a modal. Select the users that you would like to include in the User Group.
5. Once you've selected all of the members, click on "Add to User Group."
You will now see the users you selected listed as Members for the User Group.
6. (Optional): If you have connected Slack and Terminus Chat, you can select which Slack channel you would like to send Terminus Chat notifications for this User Group. When a Slack Channel has been input into the highlighted field, Terminus Chat will push notifications for this User Group into this channel for Slack and mention the available team members.
This completes the set-up process. This User Group will now appear as an option when building your Routing Workflows under "Route To""
How to Modify User Groups:
To delete a user from a User Group, simply click on the ellipses next to their name. Then, select delete.
To add more users to the User Group, simply click on "Add Member". You will then be able to add members to the User Group the same way as when creating a new User Group.
How to Set Up Round Robin for a User Group:
When assigning chats to team members, you may want to evenly distribute your chats between a group of users. Using Round Robin for User Groups, you can place groups of users into a queue to be notified.
1. Under the User Group name on the User Groups page, toggle on Round Robin.
3. A new field will appear called "Rollover". This is where you can decide what should happen if the first selected user in the queue does not answer the chat notification.
There are two rollover options:
- Notify Next Person in Queue: This will notify a second person in this group (the next person in the queue) if the first person does not answer.
- In this case, the second person will be stored as the "Fallback Owner".
- Continue in workflow: This will move to the next rule in your Routing Workflows if the first person does not answer - only notifying one person in this round robin queue per chat.
- For example, you may want to use this option if you want to first notify a round robin queue of Sales Executives, but fallback to an SDR if the selected Sales Executive from the queue does not answer.
How is the Round Robin queue order decided?
When a team member is invited to the Terminus Chat platform, they are assigned an internal user ID on the backend. Members of a Round Robin routing queue are sorted by their respective internal user IDs. When a member is added to a Round Robin routing group, they will be placed in the queue according to their internal user ID.
Example Use Case:
How to Use Round Robin with Scheduling Meetings
Using Terminus Chat User Variables, you can use this round robin queue to evenly distribute opportunities for a meeting to be booked across your team members.
When you have round robin enabled for a user group, the first notified Terminus Chat User from the queue will be stored as the primary owner for that chat conversation. You can configure your playbooks to present this person's calendar if the chat notification is missed. For more details on how to configure this, refer to the support guide How To: Make Playbook Decisions Based on Which User Owns a Chat.
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